Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sonsory concert


I really enjoyed this concert, we saw lots of people in the audience and I sang along to the songs, we saw Simon and Garfunkel and the wiggles which made me so happy I squeaked.

The good farm

 That was so so SO  much fun, we went to the good farm and fed the sheep, I named them Baa Baa, Black and sheep. It ticketed my hands when they ate off it so I out on gloves. Then we got some milk (I made sure this was put in the fridge when we got back) we saw a singing cow and even had a puppet show! 

Enjoying a hot choc from the new cafe ❤️


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Farm work and airport visit

I worked so hard today!! Look at how much wood I stacked

And even got to see some planes landing at the airport. So Cool!


My bowl of fruit

 Today in art I made a bowl of fruit with all my favourites, banana, purple grapes, red apple, and green grapes.🍇 I loved putting it all together.